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What is the Fastest Growing MLM in the World

Interested in learning about the fastest growing mlm in the world?

Wondering what makes it the fastest growing mlm and whether it’s still an opportunity or if that ship has sailed?

Thinking you might want to join Vasayo while it’s just starting to break records?

Wondering how to join Vasayo?
If so, you’ve come to the right place.

Truth be told, I don’t think there is a way to prove Vasayo is the absolute fastest growing mlm in the world, but I can tell you this…

It’s got to be very, very close to the fastest growing mlm and the state of the world right now is only going to make it grow faster!

I don’t know of another company growing as rapidly as Vasayo is.

48 months…
11 countries…
100 million in revenue,
and they’re just getting started.

Kevin O’leary (a.k.a. Mr. Wonderful) from shark tank was quoted saying that for Vasayo to have 100 million in revenue is impressive… regardless of the industry.

And Grant Cardone, real estate Tycoon, sales trainer, and supporter of network marketing has said that what is happening with Vasayo is amazing.

The good news is that much of the Vasayo’s growth has happened in the Asian market and is spread out over 11 countries.

This means anybody wanting to join the fastest growing mlm in the world, can get started before massive momentum hits and has a fantastic opportunity for exceptional growth.

The thing about opportunity is, it has to be recognized and acted on before it hits the masses….
that’s what makes it an opportunity.

Before you read this in depth and detailed article, I think you should know that we have created a video that goes over all of the same information (and it’s probably more engaging, easier to understand, and quicker to consume).

Just head over to our application page to watch the video if you don’t want to do the reading.

It’s completely up to you and thanks for visiting!

Now let’s dig in a little but before I do I want to challenge you…

I’m going to throw down the proverbial gauntlet…

If you’re on this page you’re looking for an mlm company.

Presumably, you’re looking for a strong company, with strong products, strong leadership, strong compensation, and poised for exceptional growth.

If you’re going to find the right company you need to pick a few companies and look at them as a whole.

No company is perfect.
No mentor is perfect.

However, if you read this entire article I am going to cover everything about Vasayo.

While most online marketers are trying to hide their company until they can get you on the phone and sell you… I’m going to do the opposite.

I’m tired of trying to get information and being forced to talk to somebody to get it.

I’m guessing you are too.

It’s the internet for crying out loud, just put it out there!

So we’re building this business with or without you.

We hope everyone looking for financial and spiritual change decides to join us but that is a decision you’ll have to make for yourself and for your family.

So let me lay everything out here and you can dig in as much (or as little) as you want so you can make a decision that is right for you without getting on the phone with a high pressure salesman.

This is the most extensive and detailed overview Vasayo that I know of.

I hope it helps you come to a decision you’re comfortable with.

So without further adieu, let’s get started.

Is Joining Vasayo Right for You?

The decision to join Vasayo or any other company is a big one.

You need to make sure you’re comfortable with your decision and make sure it’s the right decision for you.

Too many people jump into something but don’t commit to it.

If you want to be successful, it’s about being committed, even if you are riding the wave of momentum!

In this article, I’ll give a 30,000 foot view and then key in on important details to consider as you explore this company and their products.

This will help you decide whether joining Vasayo is right for you OR if just consuming some of the products might be a better fit.

Finally, we’ll take a look at what your next steps should be if you decide to move forward with either of those options.

What is Vasayo?
Why is it the Fastest Growing MLM?

As mentioned, Vasayo is one of the fastest growing MLM’s in the network marketing industry right now and for good reason.

Someone once said (actually many have said it, but nobody can agree on who said it first), “The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior.

The Best Predictor of Future Behavior... is Past Behavior. -Unknown Share on X

Why is that quote important?

Because Dallin Larsen, the CEO of Vasayo, has created 2 separate billion dollar companies in the network marketing industry.

He’s the only CEO I know of to do that and it’s looking like Vasayo will soon be his 3rd.

A billion dollar company is nothing to sneeze at, even in the world of network marketing.

Many have tried and failed.
Dallin has tried and succeeded…. twice.

It’s not unreasonable to believe he’s going to do it again.

Not to mention that he’s paid out Billions (with a ‘B’) in commissions in his career.

Dallin has said publicly that if a distributor wants to earn $1,000 a week or $100,000 per week they can with his compensation model…

He’s not just saying that, he knows it as a fact because he’s has actually paid people more than $100,000 per week in commissions using his unique 10% binary leg compensation model!

We have never seen a compensation plan as powerful as the Vasayo compensation plan, but we’ll get into that later and you’ll get a chance to see how it works.

The fact is, much of Dallin’s incredible success in this industry is probably partly because he takes good (very, very good) care of his distributors and compensates them well.

What Kinds of Products Do Vasayo Reps Sell?

Vasayo focuses on high-end, high-quality, and all-natural health and wellness products that are backed by science.

Historically speaking, the science behind the products is always an important element to the companies Dallin creates.

His last company started with a single product centered around the Acai berry and that was before the Acai was known by the mainstream to be a superfruit.

Vasayo’s main goal is to create great products that  are easily absorbed by the body by using their patented liposomal delivery method.

What is Liposomal Delivery?

If you’re not familiar with what liposomes are, they’re basically small fat bubble molecules.

Vasayo’s patented process, wraps the nutrients from in these fat molecules (liposomes) so they are better absorbed by the body when you take them, allowing for maximum impact.

It just makes sense. Why pay to take something that you’re only absorbing 5-10% of.

I was a little skeptical of this until I did some research and spoke to a few of my friends in the medical field. They all knew what liposomes were, how they worked, and how important they were.

In fact, Vasayo recently was recognized as one of the top 50 healthcare companies in the world by the international forum on Advancement in Healthcare (IFAH).

This is a big deal since they aren’t a healthcare company. But the advancements they’ve made in research and development is what made them stand out in that sector.

This video can explain better what Liposomes do and how they work.

All that is good, but I haven’t even discussed that fact that they have a 100% THC-free CBD product that also utilizes liposomal delivery.

With the expected growth in the CBD market in the next decade, Vasayo is really setting the stage for their distributors to win.

Vasayo’s Products

Here’s a list of all the Vasayo products as of the writing of this article.
They all work, we love them all, but our personal favorites are marked in bold. 🙂

NUTRITION intro PACK– Vasayo’s Eternal AND CBD in one pack!

The V-Mune by Vasayo helps boost your immune system and fortify your health against all enemies, domestic and abroad (and invisible).

With what’s going on right now, you can help people and get hefty kickbacks at the same time!
But you’ve got to take advantage of the current health and wellness landscape!

Beleza Total Facial Care– Rejuvinating Cream, Hydrating Midst, & Serum (AND it’s already won an award for it’s packaging)

V3– All natural and sustained energy supplement (my wife’s favorite product!)
V-Slim– Maintain blood-sugar levels, curb appetite, and lose weight (popular product)
V-Tox- to completely detoxify the body

SLEEP- All natural sleep aid, not the sexiest product… but it works! (my favorite product!)

ETERNAL- World’s most potent blend of antioxidants and polyphenols, meant to help slow down the aging process by flooding your body with antioxidants (2nd most favorite product for both me and my wife!)

RENEW- To help with overall wellness, curb inflammation and renew joints

CORE COMPLETE– Daily vitamin supplement w/liposomal delivery! (Best Seller!)

NEURO– Supports healthy brain function, including memory, clarity, focus, and cognition.

BROAD SPECTRUM CBD– Vasayo’s CBD is made from the highest, best quality ingredients.

It’s 100% THC free AND it uses their liposomal delivery.

So instead of absorbing 10-20% of what you pay for, you’re getting much, much more.

We have seen some fantastic results from this and Dallin told us “In all my years in this industry and all the products I’ve come into contact with, I’ve never seen anybody get such effective, quick results as some have gotten from our CBD”.

But what if you don’t want to just be a customer?

What if you want to get kickbacks for recommending these (and future) products to others?

In that case, keep reading and we’ll look at the benefits of being a Brand Partner (aka distributor).

The Benefits of Promoting Vasayo
Health and Wellness Products

As you consider whether Vasayo is the right home business for you, you may be wondering what the benefits are to promoting health and wellness products (especially if you’re not into that sort of thing).

Other than the obvious, which is to help people with their health, there are definite benefits to being a vasayo brand partner.

Don’t buy into the idea that you have to be passionate about the products.

It can help, but if you’re looking at it as a business decision, the products don’t really matter.

Ouch, yes… I said it.

People buy McDonalds, Papa John’s, Burger King, and a variety of other franchises and they don’t do it because they’re passionate about the food.

In fact, we know those types of food are actually bad for people and are killing them.

People buy those franchises because the business model works and they can make money (in other words, it’s a solely a business decision).

Going back to our mlm business model, let’s look at the benefits of health and wellness products in general.

The biggest benefit from a home business standpoint is that the products are consumable.

1 order will last a customer about 1 month.

Unlike promoting cookware, clothes, jewelry, or a variety of other items, a consumable product means it gets consumed.

When you find a customer who loves the product, chances are they will re-order every single month for years to come.

Make a sale once, get paid every month for years.
That’s how residual income is created.

It’s the dream deal of Mr. Wonderful.
If you get a customer for life… you get paid monthly commission in perpetuity!

Get 10-20 solid customers and you’re earning a few hundred dollars a month on autopilot.

Use the internet and build a customer base of 500, 1,000, or 10,000 over a decade and you just created a retirement plan that probably dwarfs (or at least can compete) with your current retirement plan.

That’s the beauty of consumable products and passive cash flow.

Look at it from a real estate perspective.

It doesn’t take long to earn as much as somebody would with a rental unit… except you haven’t borrowed hundreds of thousands of dollars and you don’t have to wait 30 years to see the real cash flow!

I love this business model and the way Vasayo has structured their binary compensation plan!

Anyway, moving on…

Let’s get into some of the questions people have before they join Vasayo.

Then you can decide for yourself if it might be the right option for you.

How Do You Join Vasayo?
Do You Need a Sponsor?

Yes, in order to Join Vasayo, you do need someone to sponsor you.

That simply means you use their link (like the one we provided above) and they get credit for the sale and the sales of your team.

You’ll then do the same thing with your link.

It’s that easy.

Why do you need a sponsor?

Vasayo is a Network Marketing / Direct Sales company, similar to Mary Kay, Avon, Pampered Chef, Jeunesse, etc.

That means instead of spending their marketing dollars on marketing, they pay it out to distributors who sell products or build teams who sell products.

Basically, when product sales occur, they all have a point value that flows through your team and can be translated into commissions.

It’s almost like the real estate industry. A broker recruits some other realtors and they earn part of the commissions.

The difference is, the mlm business model doesn’t steal commission from the person who does the work to pay the person above them AND it pays out for infinite depth (at least Dallin’s model does).

That’s right… infinite… in means forever. If you have 10,000 people underneath you buying products, you can earn commission off of every sale.

We’ll get into how this is possible later, but trust me… the math works!

The benefit of this model to a business owner is that instead of paying money for marketing hoping for a sale, they pay commissions on products sold after the sale.

It lowers their risk from a business perspective.

It’s really a better business model for the company, PLUS they get to change people’s financial lives in the process.

How Much Does It Cost to Join Vasayo?

That really depends on what you plan to do.
If you just want to order product as a customer, you can do that here.

If you plan to join Vasayo as a Brand Partner (distributor),  the cost as I’m writing this is currently a one time fee of $49 (subject to change), plus the cost of any product you order.

It’s possible this fee could go up in the future so I always recommend people be brand partners, even if they may not build a business.

Things could change 10 years from now and as a brand partner we will be placing distributors underneath you during that time.

So if you ever do decide to build, you’re already positioned to do so.

With the $49 joining fee you get a distributor kit, a discount on all products, and a position in the binary leg (as mentioned above).

This gives you the ability to build a customer base and sales team and start earning hefty commissions.

To qualify to get paid, you must also be on a monthly autoship of at least 80 BV points.

You can think of it as your monthly business expense.

Considering you don’t have rent, insurance, electric bill, payroll, etc…. it’s the cheapest business you can run with multi-million dollar potential!

Those 80BV points can come from any product or combination of products.

Since Vasayo has such a wide variety of products it’s usually not difficult to find a product you love and would order as a customer anyway.

It almost doesn’t make sense to be just a customer because eventually you’ll probably recommend at least one product to somebody even if you’re not trying to.

We are people, built for connection, it’s just natural to share.

The other great thing about joining is that you don’t need to order thousands of dollars of merchandise like you would in a traditional direct sales company.

Lula Roe, Mary Kay, Avon, Pampered Chef and some other companies allow you to build a team just like Vasayo does. Unfortunately, many of them also encourage you to have product on hand to deliver to customers.

This means you need to order a lot when you start and hope you can sell it all.

Um… thanks… but no thanks.

Vasayo uses technology to track and drop-ship all orders to your customers for you.

As long as somebody uses your link when ordering, you earn your commission… without needing to handle or deliver any products.

This model means you never need to keep extra inventory in stock and never have to worry about getting stuck with thousands of dollars of merchandise.

It’s kind of like affiliate marketing, but it stacks.

I’ll talk more about how that works later for those that are into seeing the math behind the money.

What are the Benefits of
Joining Vasayo Today?

There are quite a few benefits to joining Vasayo as a distributor, the top ones are listed below.

Keep in mind that everyone has their own reasons for joining a home business.

Regardless of your specific reasons for getting involved, you can enjoy all the benefits even if those reasons are not originally why you joined.

Said another way, you may eat honeycrisp apples because you like the taste, but you still get the benefit of having an apple in your system even if you just like the taste.

Best Reasons to Join Vasayo

Veteran’s Program

Vasayo is very appreciative of our veterans.

If you join and you’re a veteran, you can have the joining fee completely waived as well as enjoy other discounts as part of the veteran’s program.

Vasayo wants to thank it’s vets by lowering the barriers of entry so they have no reason not to build (and enjoy) a successful, abundant business.

Plus, as a vet, you understand how to look at a mission (in this case, the mission is building a business) and then do whatever it takes to execute on the success of that mission.

Many of the most successful network marketers I know are veterans.

Vasayo’s Outstanding Products use Liposomal Delivery

Vasayo prides itself on high-quality, premium products.

They are the Rolls Royce of the industry.

Most (if not all) of their products use liposomal delivery to make sure your body gets the majority of the nutrients from the supplements instead of passing it straight through you.

Vasayo Leadership

As stated previously, Dallin Larsen is the CEO and this is his 3rd and final company.
He wants to change lives.
He wants to change the industry.
He wants this to be his legacy.

I believe Vasayo will make history and become one of the largest, longest standing network marketing companies in the world.

I also believe those who lay a foundation earliest will reap the greatest rewards!


When you’re dealing with a man like Dallin, he drives full throttle on all cylinders.

He’s not playing around and neither are those involved.

This WILL BE a multi-billion dollar company and it’s still in the early stages!

In addition, for a company to grow quickly AND survive, the leadership has to be able to handle the growth.

Don’t overlook that fact.
Leadership experience is very important in this industry!

There are horror stories of companies growing so quickly they can’t keep up with production, paying commissions, compliance, taxes, etc.

You don’t want to join a groundfloor opportunity, start having success, and then have it tank in bankruptcy court.

Dallin is a leader who has proven he can steer the ship regardless of the speed of growth.

In a few short years Vasayo has hit 100 million in revenue, opened 5 global offices, is debt free, and ships to 11 countries.

He took another company to a billion dollar brand faster than any other company in this industry and… they never missed a commission payment!

As a professional, you don’t want to stake your reputation on something that won’t last.

I wouldn’t be able to talk to anybody about joining a business like this if I thought there was a chance the company would fold.

This reason alone is a solid reason to drive your stake into this company and carve out a piece of the market.

Join and get started now, while it’s still in it’s infancy!

Early Stage Massive Growth
(Fastest Growing MLM)

While we’re talking about growth, let’s take a look at what’s happened so far.

As mentioned earlier, in a few short years, Vasayo has successfully launched in 11 countries and has 5 world wide offices.

In just 23 months they quickly grew to over 100 million dollars in revenue.

At this point you may be thinking “oh, it’s too late”, but that’s simply NOT the case.

This is especially true if you’re here in the United States because much of the growth mentioned above has happened in other countries, with large growth happening in Asia (and they still have plenty of room for growth).

We have not even scratched the surface of seeing the growth and momentum that is yet to hit Vasayo!

With distributors spread out all across the world, when wide-scale momentum hits and people start recognizing the name and brand… organizations are going to grow at an incredibly rapid pace.

Add that to the fact that because of what’s happening in the world right now with the coronavirus epidemic, there are millions of people looking for options they would have never considered before.

It’s never too late to be successful, but it can be too late to ride the momentum.

People who have positioned themselves early will have the ability to capitalize the most on the rapid growth that is yet to come!

However, it’s the company’s long term vision that should get you the most excited.

Join Vasayo for the Company’s Long Term Vision

Even though Vasayo has had great growth so far, the best is yet to come.

Dallin Larsen has had great previous success… and he’s had some failures.

Part of the problem with joining a network marketing company is being unsure of what direction leadership will take.

After all, you’re just a distributor and don’t own the company, so that’s something that should weigh heavily in your decision.

One of Dallin’s failures (learning experiences) was that he took on outside investors right before the 2008 economic crisis and was basically pushed out of his previous company.

At least that’s my understanding of what happened based on articles, personal conversations, and my own assessment.

Some lessons are learned only through experience.

Some lessons we think we’ve learned… until we do the same dumb thing and then experience teaches us something for real.

I believe Dallin had a REAL learning experience from that mistake.
I think that’s one reason he’s worked so hard to keep Vasayo completely debt free.

Vasayo is a company he sees as his legacy.

As a Legacy, it means a few things to me that should be important to you as well.
It means:
– He wants it to dominate the marketplace, which he has proven (twice) he can do.
– He wants to produce only high quality, incredible products.
– He wants to help change thousands of lives financially, physically, and spiritually.
– It seems to me, he doesn’t have a short term exit strategy, he wants a company that will last decades… maybe centuries.

That last point is very, very important!

You don’t want to worry if the company will be sold off to investors, changing policies to make it harder to earn money, or cutting corners and putting out junk products.

Since we’ve been involved we’ve seen a few changes and so far they have all been good for distributors!

  • Less than par products have been discontinued.
  • Better products (and a variety of products) have been added
  • So far, every compensation plan update has helped the distributors (not hurt them).

Dallin has said he wants to overtake the Global Leader, create a company with 20 Billion in revenue, and create 20,000 diamond distributors (FYI- a diamond makes 6 figures).

Those are big goals!
He wants to change lots of families!

Network marketing is soooo new as far as businesses go.

But society is starting to understand.

John Maxwell has a book on network marketing now.
Grant Cardone condones it as a legitimate model.
Even Dave Ramsey who was once totally against it now basically says… okay, I admit it can work IF you do.

The time to get involved in network marketing is right now AND the company to do it in is Vasayo.


When my grandchildren are asked one day where our generational wealth came from… I want them to be able to say their grandfather joined Vasayo when it was just getting started.

It would be like if you met somebody who said their grandfather bought 100,000 shares of Apple computer when it was dirt cheap.

People will say “oh”…. and they’ll just get it and understand it.

DISCLAIMER: When you decide to sign up and get started, it will likely…

… be harder than you thought.
… take more energy than you thought.
… take longer than you thought.
… be worth it MORE than you thought!

Vasayo Compensation: How does an
MLM Binary Compensation Plan Work?

The one thing people have the most questions about is how the Vasayo Compensation Plan Works.

So for the last section, I’m going to break it down a little and discuss the ways to get paid in detail.

Keep in mind that we’re talking about an industry and company that pays out millions in commissions.

You don’t have to understand the business model to make a lot of money from it because most of it is done automatically on the back end of a server somewhere as product is shipped.

Just build a team and have fun and you’ll get paid.

You’ll understand it much better once you’re a distributor because you’ll be able to see points flow through your back office and see how they are calculated into commissions.

That helps make it easier to understand everything.

Having said that, I’m going to do my best to explain it anyway because people like to understand something before they take action.

Vasayo Compensation Plan
(8 Ways to Earn)

Here is an overview of the 8 ways you can earn and a brief explanation of how each section of the compensation plan works.

Fastest Growing MLM Compensation has Eight Ways to Earn

Most mlm companies have multiple ways to earn.

It just happens that this not Dallin’s first Rodeo. While others are experimenting with what might work… He is implementing what he knows works.

If it’s not broke, don’t fix it.

Before going into this section, here is some terminology you need to know.

Vasayo Compensation Terminology:

“Brand Partner” refers to a distributor.
CV refers to customer volume (all products have points attached to them for calculating commissions)
BV refers to Brand Partner Volume (same concept as CV)
Autoship is my word for the customer loyalty program. It just means the customer wants it shipped to them automatically every month.
Spillover- Brand Partners (distributors) placed underneath already existing team members by their upline.

#1 Way to Earn: Customer Acquisition

As a Brand partner (distributor), you get 40% of your customer volume (CV) points.

So if a customer orders 100 points worth of product from your link, the company drop ships it to them and you get $40.

Easy Peasy.

Get just 10 customers on autoship and you’re earning $400 per month and already profitable!

#2 Way to Earn: Product Introduction Bonus

When you sponsor somebody as a brand partner, you will get 20% of their first order.

Most new brand partners want to order a package to try a few different products.

Let’s say they order the weight loss intro pack, which is 200 BP points and a popular package…

You would earn $40 (200 x 20%= $40)

Again… Easy Peasy.

#3 Way to Earn: Team Commissions

For this one, I’ll eventually put a video but essentially this is a binary compensation plan.

Binary means two.
You get paid to build 2 teams of Brand partners.

One on your right. One on your left.

As any product is shipped out in your organization, points are automatically calculated and flow up.

Those points are calculated every week and you get paid 10% for ALL the points in your lesser leg/team (i.e. smaller leg).

The volume is then subtracted from both legs (teams) and the process starts again the next week.

It’s just like trying to find the value of “x” in algebra.
Whatever you do to one side, you do to the other.
Keep that in mind as I explain this.

Just to give you a reference point, most product volume is 80-240 points.

Take a look at this chart.

Vasayo binary Teams example

Let’s suppose this week you have 2,400 points on your left leg and 3,000 points on your right leg.

You would receive $240 in commission and 2,400 points would be subtracted from both legs.

The extra 600 points in your right leg would rollover (like extra cell minutes used to) and you’d start next week with 600 points on your right team leg.

The points rollover automatically and in perpetuity (as Mr. Wonderful would like to say).

Take a moment to think about the simplicity in this business model.
By making a person build 2 teams it does a few incredible things.

  1. It forces spillover, which increases motivation for new people. Anybody building a big business will enroll more than 2 people. Since you only have 2 legs, those extra people have to go underneath others on your team and the volume flows through everybody.
  2. It ensures only people working get paid. No production, you could have a leg of 10,000 brand partners on one side from spillover. If you haven’t built the other leg then your lesser leg volume (and commission) is zero… 0% of 0 is… zero…. Only those who produce get paid.
  3. It allows points to calculate for infinite depth. I won’t go into the math but the matching volume means that this business can pay down for infinite depth and since computers calculate everything (not like the old days of tracking downlines on paper), it’s a seamless, beautiful process. 🙂
  4. The company does cap team commissions at $28,000 per week. That’s because team commissions is meant to help you earn while you learn. The company stacks some other more lucrative (yes… more lucrative) ways to earn into the mix so you can have unlimited earning potential…. Just not with this particular bonus.
  5. Any points over 280,000 (or $28,000) for the week is rolled into the next week. This allows you to start building a high salary income that doesn’t change from week to week. It offers a stable income. Income that doesn’t fluctuate as much, plus at that point it’s still $100,000+ per month just off this one way of earning.

#4 Way to Earn: Matching Bonus

This commission bonus is basically a reward for helping your people do well. If you think team commissions adds up, this one adds up even faster and there is absolutely no cap on this one!

Matching Bonus is how Dallin has paid people more than $100,000 per week in the past.

Matching bonus says that you get a percentage bonus for what your team makes, up to 7 levels deep.

This is where the big money is made.

Let me try to explain it in the written word.

To keep it simple, we’re going to look at just 1 level deep.

Keep in mind this is JUST one level deep!!

You can figure out the rest on your own or by looking at the Vasayo compensation plan in more depth.

Let’s suppose you have 5 personally enrolled leaders on your weak leg for this week.

The each earn $2,000 for the week.

Matching bonus says you will earn a 20% bonus ($200) on all 5 people ($200 x 5= $1,000).

The numbers will never be that clean (everyone will earn different amounts), but you get the idea.

This bonus doesn’t come from their pay!

It’s not taken from them and given to you like it would be in the real estate market.

Not at all! It’s already worked into the math of the compensation plan.
The math works and you just get it.

So unlike corporate America, you want everyone on your team to earn as much as they possibly can.

You actually want them to be as successful as they can because the more they make… the more you make (and it doesn’t take away from them at all).

This creates a great culture of support.
Everyone wants everyone to succeed.

Depending on your rank, you can get paid a percentage bonus up to 7 generations deep into your downline.

Vasayo’s compensation also has dynamic compression…. which is a fancy way of saying if somebody’s not performing, it skips over them for this bonus and continues down to somebody who is performing.

Trust me when I tell you, this bonus adds up very, very quickly.

It will out grows team commissions because there is no cap.

You can earn this on 10 people, 100 people, or 1,000 people and then go down 7 levels.

Keep in mind that in Dallin’s previous company, the team commissions capped out at $10,000 per week.

That means you could earn $2,000 max off each first level distributor.

He was still paying some people over $100,000 per week!

Since team commission caps at $28,000 per week in this company, it means you can earn $5,600 of each person on your first level that caps out team commission volume.

Plus, it’s every week. Plus, it’s on top of the team commissions you’re earning from all that volume!

With 10 people you’d be making another $56,000 (in addition to your team commission) and that doesn’t even account for getting paid for additional levels (you can get paid up to 7 levels deep).

Most people can’t even think about earning that much.

But if you focus on getting to $100, then $500, then $1,000…. you’ll actually be well on your way because the bigger your organization is, the faster it grows and it can quickly snowball.

I’m going to go through the rest of the ways of earning pretty quick.

They are simpler and easier to explain but it’s important that you understand #3 and #4 because that is where the real leverage of this business model is.

It’s also why I love the business. As your organization grows, keep in mind that your expenses generally do not.

At least not like traditional business…. The cost of ordering product each month is the same whether you have an organization of 50 or an organization of 50,000.

#5 – Rank Advancement Bonus

These are 1-time bonuses paid for hitting certain ranks.

Each rank has certain requirements mostly connected to volume, developing other leaders, and getting customers.

They are performance bonuses ranging from $50,000 to $1,000,000.

They are real. Though I haven’t hit those levels yet, I watched Dallin present a a distributor with $1,000,000 and a Lamborghini on the same day… to the same guy.

This industry is big on rewarding people for performance.

Here’s a chart straight from the company reward plan with the bonus levels laid out.

#6 – Global Leadership Pool

A portion of all revenue is set aside for the global leadership pool.

As you rise through the ranks you earn credits in this pool and distributions are paid out weekly.

It’s just another bonus that happens automatically.

At the end of the day, I see this as icing on the cake. It’s another way for the company to encourage continuous growth because as the company grows, this leadership pool grows.

As your organization grows, you earn more and more credits so you get to take home a bigger piece of that pie.

#7- Lifestyle Trips

I won’t list all the trips here because I try to keep this site fairly up to date.

The trips change yearly but they are always to incredible destinations with luxurious 5-star resorts.

It’s a great way to build camaraderie as you travel the world with your key leaders who earn this reward (and again, it’s all baked into the compensation plan).

#8 – Multiple Business Centers

When you reach the rank of Black Diamond, you have the option of creating another business center.

It’s almost like you reverse sponsor yourself and you just do it again.

You continue to get paid on your black diamond business center.

However, you are able to place a business center right above your already producing black diamond distributor ship.

This becomes your strong leg with yourself as a personally sponsored rep. Now you can start building out your weak leg again and maximizing the compensation by further leveraging the work you’ve already done!

It’s this type of forward thinking that I believe will attract some of the largest leaders in the industry and future network marketing leaders.


With the reach that the internet has provided and the platforms that some people have built,  the network marketing industry hasn’t even stretched the surface of what is possible.

50 years ago, six figure earners were far and few between.
Now they’re a dime a dozen.

This is due in large part because compensation plans have come a long way.

More and more people are earning a million a month in this industry and Vasayo is going to create a multitude of millionaires over the next decade.

You could be one of them, but only if you believe in yourself and Get Started NOW!

Consider This…

If you’re in the network marketing industry and you’ve got a long term vision, consider joining Vasayo and us as we attempt to take this company to 20 Billion in Revenue over the next few decades.

Opportunities like this only come around once in a lifetime!

Start Dreaming Again!
Believe in Yourself!
Invest In Yourself!
Come Build With Us!
Come Travel With Us!
Click our picture below to get started and maybe one day….
we’ll be standing with you in front of the Colosseum taking a team picture!….

Wouldn’t that be awesome!

Why Join Vasayo and Our Team?

When you choose a sponsor you want to make sure a few things line up.

First, you want to make sure they won’t quit and leave you orphaned. We built a business like that before and quite frankly, it sucks.

This is partly because you want overflow and spillover in your organization…. It makes life easier.

Secondly, (and quite possibly the most important), you want a sponsor who knows what they’re doing and can help you achieve your potential. You want a system in place for building your business that duplicates.

We are part of the fastest growing Vasayo Team in North America. You’ll have access to us and we want to help you achieve every dream you set out to achieve!

In addition, our upline leadership has 20+ years of experience, came from nothing, and built an empire (multiple empires actually)

He and his wife have earned millions of dollars AND more importantly, helped others earn millions.

We are growing so FAST because we have a system in place and you’ll be able to plug into this system!

You’ll be in business for yourself… but not by yourself.

Also, when you join us, we’ll give you some secrets our team uses to create generate as many leads as you want of people reaching out to you (and that’s a beautiful thing).

Don’t wait!

Every day you wait, is one more day that you’re falling behind.

Opportunities like this become less and less incredible as time passes!
It’s the decisive people who reap the rewards.

Haven’t you always wanted to be in the right place at the right time?
Now you are!… Don’t let it slip by!


Lastly, if you would like to surrender your life to God and have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, please visit our outreach page.