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Unbreakable- How to Never be Shaken [Psalm 55:22]

Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken. -Psalm 55:22

cast your cares on the lord verse psalm 55:22Psalm 55:22 is our verse of the week.
Let me start to unpack it a little by starting with a story.

Out of the two of us, my wife is the creative soul in our relationship.

She painted the door that goes to out to our garage in chalkboard paint.

I wasn’t sure about it at first but I must admit, I like it.

They actually make fancy chalk pens so you can write on it without getting chalk everywhere, it’s more like a reverse whiteboard than a chalkboard.

Anyway, we can write notes back and forth to our kids.
It’s just all around fun.
We even have a monthly calendar to keep all the family activities easy to track.

We pass through the door multiple times everyday so we post a verse a week for our family at the top.

So anytime you see a picture like the one above, that’s where it came from.

It’s been there a few days and it’s a great verse for business people.

Running a business is hard work.

Every week, if not every day, you’re faced with various business challenges, people issues, and financial situations (to name a few).

It’s easy to try to shoulder all those responsibilities yourself and worry yourself to death.

But the truth is, with all the struggles of business, anxiety never helps.

This verse doesn’t say to just blindly give everything to God, throw up you hands, and wait for him to magically solve all your problems.

What it says to to cast your cares upon the Lord and he won’t let you be shaken.

Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken. -Psalm 55:22 Click To Tweet

You can still work like it’s up to you, but hand over the anxious worry and stressful caring to God.

If you do this, you’ll be unshakable, or the word I like even more, unbreakable.

Take note as well that this verse doesn’t say that everything will turn out perfect or even that nothing will go wrong.

It’s says if you cast your cares on the lord, you won’t be shaken.

If you’re not consumed with worry, anxiety, and fear you’ll be able to shake off everything that comes your way.

Cast Your Cares on the Lord:
Parable of the Old Mule in the Well

cast your cares on the lord - old mule parableThere is a story, actually more of a parable, of a farmer who had an old mule that fell into his well.

The farmer could hear the mule whining and making sounds, moving around in a panic.

He felt bad for the mule because he had it for some time and he cared for the well being of the mule.

However, after assessing the situation, he didn’t think the mule or the well was worth the time, money, and resources it would take to save either of them.

He gathered together some of his farming neighbors and hashed out a plan to bring in loads of dirt and fill in the well.

This would bury the mule, however it would make the well safe so this would never happen again.

As the farmer and his farmer friends started throwing dirt in the well, the mule began to panic.

That didn’t help, so he had a thought.

Instead of freaking out, he would just shake the dirt off his back and step up.

So that’s what he did.

No matter how bad it hurt when the force of the dirt hit his back or how much dirt came down and landed on him, he just shook it off and stepped up.

Over time, the dirt falling around him began to rise (with him on it), until eventually he stepped up and out of the well.

He was saved by how he handled this situation.

He could have resigned to give up and just let the dirt bury him alive, but instead he showed resiliency.

Just like in your business, you have to be resilient.
Part of resiliency is not allowing crisis to shake you mentally.

If you keep a cool head, you will not make poor decisions in judgement because you’re panicky or anxious.

The only way I know of to be mentally and spiritually unshakable is to do exactly what is recommended in our verse today.

Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken. -Psalm 55:22

Make it your mission to cast your cares upon the LORD today and then allow him to sustain you.

Questions for Reflection/Action Steps

  1. Where in your life or business have you allowed yourself to be shaken? Are there areas you still need to cast your cares upon the Lord?
  2. Is your faith strong enough to believe that God can sustain you through everything? If not, how can you increase your faith?
  3. What things in your business do you need to just shake off and then keep stepping up? How could this attitude help you enjoy the process more?


Lord, thank you for faithfulness and for giving me a way to stay spiritually and mentally unshakable.

Please give me the strength and the faith to cast my cares upon you.
Give me the wisdom to make wise and profitable decisions.
Sustain me and my business.


If you don’t know Jesus Christ the Redeemer,  click this link.

God Bless,