So you’re ready to find the best mlm to joinright now… this year?
After comparing companies, compensation plans, leadership, products and positioning… this is our #1 pick as the best mlm to join for the foreseeable future.
With everything going on right now, there’s never been a better time in history to build a direct sales or network marketing business.
At this time of year, you’re probably focused on making change in your life.
And not little change, but big, sweeping, massive change!
That natural focus is shared by many and can translate into more sales and more people joining your team.
It’s also a time when distributors who aren’t resonating with their current company begin to think about finding a new company.
But before you assume your mlm isn’t the right one and start looking for the next best mlm to join, take some time to consider if moving is the right choice.
I know, I know… I should be encouraging you to jump ship.
But the hard truth, the truth people don’t want to tell you when they’re trying to recruit you to their new thing, is that the skills necessary to build a business are the same skills in every company.
You move product.
You recruit reps.
You teach them a system to do the same.
That’s it.
If you’re having a hard time doing those things, changing companies may not be the right move.
However, if you’re looking for the best mlm to join because you’ve never been in the industry and want to give it a go, OR if you have “irreconcilable differences” with your current company, then finding the absolute best mlm is a must.
In this article we’ll explore what we believe is the best mlm to join and why.
Spoiler Alert: We are in deep to the network marketing industry (as you can tell from this site).
This is our chosen company and there are many reasons why we chose it, it may or may not be the right fit for you.
Maybe it’s a good fit for you and maybe not… but you can get the information and decide for yourself with nobody breathing down your neck.
I’m going to share our story, why we are doing what we’re doing, and the unique thing we have created to help people be successful inside of what is arguably the most profitable business model on the plant (when done correctly).
Sound good?
Great! Let’s get started.
Out of the Ashes Project
I’m about to share all the reasons we picked the company we did.
But I know many of our readers are probably looking for a link to just get started so here’s the deal….
At the beginning of 2020, we launched a new initiative we dubbed the “Out of the Ashes Project”.
We wanted to help at least 20 people start moving toward financial independence by the end of the year.
We’ve kept that theme going and this year, we want to help 50 people make progress and take at least 1 of those 50 people and help them earn legacy income!
You will work directly with us and we will build momentum together.
Have you ever been in a binary leg with overflow?
Until January 1st, we will be placing everybody in the same leg.
So those who move early, will get the benefit of those who hesitate.
In the meantime, read the rest of this article and watch the video below to see if we’re even a fit for each other.
I Kings 19:11-12
11 The Lord said, “Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the Lord, for the Lord is about to pass by.”
Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake.12 After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper…
What is the Best MLM to Join Right Now
Before revealing what we feel is the best mlm choice, I want to go over how we got to that decision.
It’s extremely important.
We had been involved in the mlm industry in the past.
Our entrance into the network marketing mlm industry (the first time) was the way most people get in…
It was brought to us, presented, and we said “yes”.
It was a great company, but we didn’t choose it, it chose us.
We made money and did okay until the financial crisis in 2008.
At that point, the company was dismantled and sold off in order to pay back investors (at least that’s our understanding).
When we decided to get involved again, we wanted to make sure it was with an company that had all of the key indicators of a promising opportunity as well as staying power.
Staying power was a super-factor!
We are building a legacy and bringing people into something that will change their life if they choose to do the work.
We needed to feel confident that it wasn’t going to vaporize once they built an income stream like it did for us the first time around.
We were at the same point you probably are rightnow.
We wanted change, we wanted to help people, and we wanted to make a good solid decision.
If you’re here, I know you’re putting thought into your decision and for that, I applaud you.
Below are many reasons we went with the company we did and why we feel it’s the best mlm to join this year.
#1) Experienced Leadership
Leadership. Many companies have good leaders, some… not so much.
Our CEO has the right heart, the right attitude, and the right long term vision.
He has built two successful companies in the past and taken them to over a billion dollars in revenue, so the experience is there.
Just like any other company or leader out there, you can find bad press and tons of opinions on what was good or bad about him and his previous companies and/or decisions.
I’m not going to sugar coat it, he messed up.
Yes, he’s made some mistakes, but who hasn’t?
I know I have.
Ask anybody in the mortgage or real estate industry if they made mistakes and any honest person will tell you yes.
We make most of our decisions based on what we think will happen.
That’s what people do.
Our CEO is a person, therefore he made mistakes (yes, owners are people too).
When we got started in this company, I had the opportunity to sit down with a small group of people and the CEO to hear his vision for the company.
Based on that conversation and other interactions I’ve had with him, I firmly believe he learned from his mistakes and wants to make this current company his legacy.
His biggest mistake was taking on the wrong investor.
Really, it was taking on investors at all.
If you’ve ever watched shark tank, once you start giving up control of the company you… well… you don’t have control.
This new company is completely debt free and he plans to keep it that way.
He has a heart for the distributors and started the company to help people (trust me, he doesn’t need the money).
One issue with some leaders is that they are in it only for the money and not for the people.
When that happens, decisions that aren’t in the interest of the distributors tend to rise to the top.
Our owner changed his life with network marketing as a distributor.
He was retired and had no reason to come back to the industry… except he wanted to help more people have the opportunity he had.
I genuinely believe he entered the network marketing arena one last time specifically to change lives of people and build a legacy.
That’s important to me because it means I can build something sizable and meaningful, knowing it will be around far into the future.
There’s something about a man who is trying to leave a legacy that keeps him from selling off his baby and giving control to somebody else.
For us distributors, that’s a fantastic thing!
This all means you can have confidence when you bring people into your organization and not have to worry later about the impact it might have on them or on your integrity and character.
You may be wondering at this point, “okay, so who is it?”.
Well, I’m not going to tell you quite yet.
Here’s why.
I want to share with you some more information before you start Googling everything.
I’m a pragmatic person.
I like to think of myself as a thinker.
I know typing something with a negative connotation into google will give you negative information.
Sometimes that information is accurate… sometimes it is not.
Google is a computer, an algorithm.
Google is NOT designed to be a source of accurate information, it’s designed to give you the most popular information based on your request (what you search for).
In fact, the whole algorithm is based on popularity and marketing.
The more clicks a website gets, the more backlinks it has, and the longer somebody stays on a page, the higher that page ranks.
We all know that negativity sells, just look at the news.
That’s why negativity about network marketing dominates the first page search results on Google.
The worst the headline… the more clicks it gets.
That’s why you often see stuff like “make sure you do this BEFORE you join an mlm” or “mlm sucks… here’s what works better”.
Unfortunately, that’s an issue in the Google algorithm.
Remember, Google strives to always give you what you want, not necessarily what is accurate.
But if you search why network marketing sucks, you’ll get a list of reasons why it sucks.
Neither has anything to do with the truth.
To prove this point, I typed the following phrase into the Google search box “mother Teresa is a scam artist”.
These results showed up on the first page.
My point is, research is good.
But when researching online, try to be a selective and discerning when it comes to what you find.
Just because somebody says it… scratch that,… just because somebody created a website or video, doesn’t make it true or accurate.
#2) The Right Timing
One of the most important factors in getting started with a company is the timing.
Before I get too far into this one, I want to address one of the misconceptions of network marketing.
It’s often said that the people who get in early make the most money.
This makes people think the best mlm to join is the newest.
For the most part, this appears to be true, but not for the reasons you think.
There are thousands of people who get into companies every week during a “pre-launch” stage of a company and still don’t make any money.
Since a legitimate network marketing company isn’t a pyramid, getting in early doesn’t help if you’re not willing to work.
The reason people who get in early seem to make the most money is because they’ve been doing it longer and thus… have more results (imagine that – oh the horror).
The top earners are typically those who have been working it and building their business since inception and didn’t quit.
Because of that, they have the biggest teams and move the most product… hence… they make the most money.
In the pay for performance model, they have performed the most…
so they make the most.
It has to do with production, nottiming.
That’s the reason they’re making more money (execution and production).
They’ve produced more, so they make more.
Since they’ve been doing it the longest, it appears to be because they got in early, but it’s really because they’ve been building their business the longest and fastest.
On another note, this industry has evolved and it’s quite possible to pass your upline in rank and/or earnings.
I’ve passed thousands of people in my upline in regard to income and I once had one of my personal enrollments pass me.
Because of this competitive spirit, naturally, I don’t want that to happen again.
(I don’t plan to let it happen again because I’m so competitive).
However, it’s quite possible.
Well, not really… I won’t let it… well, you know what I mean.
It could happen.
Again though, it’s based on production so they would have to outwork me.
That competitive spirit is not a bad thing. Competition is what pushes us to excel and achieve at our highest levels.
The “S” curve is an important factor of timing in a network marketing company.
This industry is young, so there isn’t a lot of data about businesses over long periods of time.
One thing we do know from the data though, is that successful companies typically go through a few different phases of growth.
Phase 1: Formulation and Foundation Stage
In this stage, network marketing companies are finding their footing.
They are looking for leaders, developing flagship products, tweaking their compensation plan, and working out the kinks of distribution.
Many new companies don’t make it out of this phase.
This is a risky phase and risky time to join an mlm company because even if you work hard, the company might not make it through infancy.
All your work could evaporate overnight.
Phase 2: Growth Stage
Once a company has successfully created some quality products and have a systematic process in place to support customers and distributors, they will naturally evolve into the 2nd growth stage.
From what I’ve seen, this stage can last for just a few months or years.
But once a company enters this stage, the chances they will go out of business decreases dramatically.
This is also the best time to join a network marketing company.
Your risk is lower because they’ve already worked out their products, compensation, distribution, and profitability.
It’s less likely they’ll go broke, in which case you would lose everything you’ve worked for.
They have a solid and systematic foundation in place to support fast and exponential growth.
In addition, your upside potential for quick growth is increased because you’re involved before the brand is a household name and before the coveted “S” curve stage.
Phase 3: Rapid & Phenomenal “Hockey Stick” Growth (S Curve)
There’s almost always a season of phenomenal growth in any network marketing company that makes it through the first 2 stages.
During phase 3, belief, excitement, and momentum are at their highest and help drive exceptional growth.
In the business world, this is referred to as an “S curve”.
In mlm, it can be described as momentum.
For example, if you’re investing in a stock, you always want to invest as close to the bottom of the S curve as possible.
This means you can make bigger profits with a smaller investment in a shorter period of time (might want to read that statement again).
In network marketing, getting in at the beginning of the S curve is similar to buying a stock before it goes through the roof.
The difference is, in my opinion, that an S curve in an mlm is easier to predict than an S curve in stock prices.
Plus, as a distributor, you get to personally contribute to the S curveand add fuel to the fire… you can’t do that with a stock.
Anywho, phase 3 growth is when there’s momentum across the board in a company and growth is happening at a ridiculous pace.
Getting in during this period of rapid growth is great, but being in before it starts to happen is even better.
Call it what you want, but human psychology lends itself to frenzy.
Just look at the real estate market, the DotCom boom, block-chain technology, and crypto-currency to name a few.
When human emotion and psychology reach their peak in network marketing, people are sometimes carried past their capacity as a leader because of the undercurrent of momentum flowing through the company.
Read that statement again.
Simply put, they go a lot further, a lot faster, and a lot easier than they could have without this stage.
It’s a very exciting stage!
It seems to me, our pick for the best mlm to join this year will be entering into this stage very, very soon.
When it does, because of the combined experience of the distributors and the executive team, it will be a period of rapid and extraordinary growth.
Plus, their “S-curve” timing just happens to fall in line with another worldwide issue taking place right now that happens to have more people than ever looking for health supplements and extra income opportunities.
If you’re looking for the best mlm to join, you don’t want to miss this opportunity!
This will be the period when ordinary people will be promoted to 6, 7, and 8 figure earnings and lives will be changed forever!
Phase 3 is the most exciting time of any network marketing business for me because I personally want to help as many people as possible change the financial legacy they leave for their family.
I know average people can leverage the S curve to help them change their financial future faster than they could otherwise!
Combine the timing of that S-curve with what is starting to happen in our economy… and you have an unprecedented opportunity for amazing results!
Phase 4: Stabilization and Maturity (w/growth spurts)
This stage happens after the rapid and phenomenal growth subsides.
Growth slows and stabilizes.
Excitement weans and leaders get comfortable.
In fact, the length of the S curve and phase 3 depend somewhat on the vision of the leaders pushing the movement.
Once they hit their goals and vision, they tend to lose some of their drive.
Again, this is human nature.
Momentum often happens in companies years after they’ve been through the initial S Curve.
But rarely does it happen company wide again.
It’s usually in pockets based on the leadership driving the growth of the team.
That’s another reason why an experienced CEO is so important.
They know how to keep this fire burning longer once it starts.
The CEO must know when adding extra incentives and products will help (and not hurt) growth among the distributor base.
I’d like to repeat here that if phase 3 has come and gone in a company, it doesn’t change the fact that any person can create team momentum in their personal organization and still create abundance in their business.
It’s just much harder to get synergy with other cross-line teams in the company because the essence of phase 3 is that there are multiple teams creating momentum at the same time.
This magnifies results for everybody.
This is hard to manufacture and happens organically as the company grows.
This company wide growth and excitement fuels more growth and excitement.
It’s the nature of human psychology applied to business.
I believe our S-curve will run with the worldwide economic crisis we are in the middle of and for at least a few months to years afterwards (depending on the economic fallout).
While many people are suffering, many others will be reinventing themselves and having their best financial years ever.
The flip side of financial crisis is financial opportunity.
They are two sides of the same coin.
#3) The Right Upline
Another reason we feel our choice is the best mlm to join this year is that the upline (like the corporate leadership) is experienced and they have a deep desire to help people financially, emotionally, and spiritually.
You can have the nicest upline in the world, but if they don’t know what they’re doing or have never done it before, they’re not much help to you.
They can’t teach what they don’t know.
It’s harsh… but true.
We are focused on building online using social media, websites, advertising, Youtube, etc.
Which again, just happens to be what the world is looking for right now as the timing in our company reaching it’s pivotal moments before the S-curve.
Too many people fail in the mlm industry because they join a random company with a friend who has no idea what he or she is doing.
That friend can’t help them, can’t teach them, and never gets them connected to somebody who can.
If you’ve been following us for any length of time, you know that we place tremendous value in finding a company and upline that’s congruent with your core beliefs and has an actual online system set up that does the heavy lifting.
It’s very hard to completely commit to a company, team, or vision that doesn’t resonate with you.
If you haven’t been successful in the past, it may be that your upline didn’t lead you or push you in the way you needed to be led, or they may not have had the tool created that could help you.
We would love the opportunity to help you break free of your limiting beliefs and finally have success!
#4) Great Products with Recurring Revenue
Okay, if you’re offended easily by a viewpoint that is different from yours, you may want to skip this section because not everyone agrees with me on this.
I’m going to say it anyway.
Every company claims to have the best products.
Ever heard these lines?…
– People need our products
– These products sell themselves
– We don’t sell, we just share
– Our products have the best blah, blah, blah….
I could go on and on.
The fact is, none of it matters and none of those statements are even true.
Yes, I believe people need many mlm products.
So what. Need and want are two different things.
Want is what matters.
Nobody needs McDonalds, but tons of people want it, so the company makes money like bees make honey.
Nobody needs Facebook… but everybody wants it… so the same results occur.
I have an abundance mindset.
As long as a company puts out great products attached to a great compensation plan, you can make your dreams a reality within this industry.
The fact is, most reputable MLM companies have high quality products.
I use products from other mlm companies that I don’t even promote because I know I’m getting quality (real quality).
One of the huge benefits of mlm companies not having to pay for advertising, is that they have more money for product development, so inevitably they have higher quality products.
That being said, before joining a company, you should ask if their products pass the 2-prong litmus test below:
Are they products people want?
Are they consumable products?
Both these things are equally important.
Our top choice for the best mlm company is partly because they have developed product lines that people want within the health and wellness space.
We have a fantastic multi-vitamin and super-antioxidant that helps the immune system.
Again, some of this is just perfect timing and the company couldn’t have planned it if they wanted to.
That’s one reason it’s such a great opportunity right now.
They also have CBD products, products with probiotics (huge demand right now), weight management (always in huge demand), sleep supplements, energy supplements, etc.
Did I say CBD and weight management?… yes I did!
In fact, as of this writing I’ve lost 42 lbs. already on the phenomenal weight loss product.
Trust me, that gets people’s attention!
Especially when you have struggled your entire life with your weight.
So this company has products people want and their products are consumable.
Consumability (if that’s a word), re-orders, and continuity are the building blocks for sustained residual income.
I’ve always struggled with my weight.
In the last 3 months I’ve lost 42 lbs. using their weight loss supplement (and I’m still losing weight).
Do you think I’m going to stop using that product?
Um… I think not!
My wife would kill me.
So I automatically reorder.
If anything, I’ll probably start working out again and working out harder!
The point is, don’t underestimate the power of quality consumable products!
I know many people who have dropped thousands of dollars to get started in companies that sell either non-consumable products (clothing) or products that take months or years to consume (make-up).
Non-consumables make it unnecessarily difficult for you (the distributor) to create residual income.
You need products that are consumed and re-ordered each and every month.
That way, you don’t need to keep selling new stuff to people or finding new customers.
The company we finally decided on (when we were making the same decision you are right now) passed our 2-prong litmus test with flying colors.
#5) Binary Compensation Plan
Before reading this section, just understand that this is a basic overview.
Explaining a compensation plan in words on a page (in one section) of a blog post is nearly impossible, but hopefully this will give you an overview.
If you want the detailed compensation plan and overview of all the products you’ll have to apply to be on our team and watch the video that explains it all.
Also (Legal Disclaimer): ***The opinions set forth in the following section and all sections of this website are the opinions of me, myself, and I…. and I alone. I take no responsibility for any legal ramifications of these opinions and/or accuracy of information. You should do your own due diligence before making any buying decisions…
(Judge Judy… I hope that covers me).
Moving on.
Amway basically started this whole multi-level marketing (MLM) thing.
They were the pioneers of the industry and since then so many things have changed.
The world has changed.
Technology has changed.
How products are distributed has changed.
Tracking sales and commission has changed. AND compensation plans have changed.
Ford created the Model-T.
But the reason we aren’t all driving around in Model-T’s is because of innovations in the car sector.
I mean, cars have come a long way and continue to do so… just look at the Tesla.
The same thing is true of network marketing companies and mlm compensation plans.
Innovations have occurred that make it possible for ordinary people to earn substantial income.
The binary compensation plan is one of those exciting innovations.
Here’s how it works.
Binary Compensation Plan (In a Nutshell)
Distributors build two teams and two teams only (not 3, not 5, not 10, not ???).
We call these teams legs.
One of those legs you share with your upline.
If you have an active upline, this leg will get overflow (people you didn’t put there).
For example, if you were in business with us, anybody who enrolls from any of our platforms (this website, YouTube, social media, etc.) would be placed under you and would benefit both of us in terms of volume calculations for commissions.
I won’t go into this in too much detail.
I’ve posted a video overview below but it still just scratches the surface (forgive me, this is an old video and was done on the fly, but the information is still applicable).
Also, it covers a binary plan that has a 2/3 cycle which is kind of hard to explain and grasp.
Our company has since switched it’s compensation to a straight percentage commission on matching volume, which is much more lucrative for the distributors AND easier to understand.
Our video overview on our application page goes into the updated compensation plan in detail.
The key thingsto remember are that (1) you’re only building 2 teams and (2) your volume calculates for infinity.
Only having two teams encourages teamwork because everybody benefitsfrom everybody else.
That’s called healthy competition.
When the compensation plan has a way for your enrollees to “break away” from you, that is called a “break away” plan and it encourages unhealthy competition.
An important note here (for those of you with experience) is that this doesn’t mean you only enroll two people.
You can still enroll as many people as you want and go as wide as you want.
You’re still awarded credit for those enrollments and the more you enroll in your personal line, the more income you can make.
What it does mean is that basic volume/commission points calculates for infinity since there are only 2 teams.
This means that you don’t have to worry about a rock star getting into business 18 levels below you and it not helping you because your compensation plan only pays 7 levels deep.
If a rock star gets in 100 levels down and builds a team of 50,000 distributors, you would get full credit for the volume of every single one of those 50,000 team members.
That is the power of a binary and it’s what makes it possible for average people to make above average incomes.
A compensation plan that requires you to build 5 teams means that the average Joe is NEVER going to make substantial income.
It just won’t happen for the average person with the old compensation models because most people don’t have the capacity to build 3-5 teams.
We like to think that everybody is capable of anything but those compensation plans take advantage of people.
Everyone is not capable of anything.
I would never be a football or basketball star no matter how much I practiced and dreamed about it in my younger years.
I wasn’t designed for that purpose.
Those that do constantly feel bad because they know most people who get in won’t make any substantial money.
Those are the old models and though they still exist, you don’t have to settle for them.
I believe with absolute certainty that anybody can build a binary to at least a $100,000 a year income.
#6) Generous Rewards
The binary compensation model is super important when we’re talking about weekly and team commissions.
But team commissions are only one part of the reward plan.
There are other ways to earn money that are very lucrative.
Customer Sales Bonus – Income earned from customer orders
Product Introduction Bonus – This is a bonus on top of commissions for the first order of people you sponsor
Team Commissions – This is the bread and butter of your income in the beginning (refer to the binary compensation model above). This particular commission doesn’t cap out until well over $100,000 (per month).
Team Commission Matching Bonus- These are bonuses you receive on the success you create in your personal lines of sponsorship. They can dwarf Team Commissions over time and there is no earning cap on these.
Leadership Bonuses- These are bonuses earned through leadership points earned from a global pool.
Rank Advancement Bonuses– Bonuses for hitting specific ranks.
Lifestyle Trips- These are free trips earned by hitting specific ranks.
Multiple Business Centers– This allows proven team leaders to build more teams in order to diversify, mitigate risk, and maximize the compensation plan.
NOTE: Multiple business centers doesn’t mean buyingextra business centers, it means when you’ve created success you are given another business center and the organization you’ve already built becomes the strong leg of your 2nd business center.)
Rank Advancement Bonuses That Top the Charts
I want to take a moment here to pause and go into a bit more depth on the rank advancement bonuses offered and why they make this company the best mlm to join this year.
These bonuses are the most generous rank advancement bonuses in the industry!
Keep in mind, these are bonuses, they are in addition to and on top of the generous compensation rewards outlined above.
I’ve heard people say the compensation plan doesn’t matter that much as long as the average person can make money.
I disagree.
If you only end up making a little extra cash, maybe it’s true.
However, if you like the idea of making life changing income, that statement is not accurate at all.
Besides, even if you want to just make a little cash, I suggest being in a binary and trying to get to $500-$1000 a month.
Once you get there, your vision will grow and you’ll be happy you’re in a binary.
Here’s the thing though, thinking it doesn’t matter is very dangerous thinking!
Because it opens the door to one of the worst thing imaginable that happens inside of this industry.
Imagine you build a profitable business and happen to become a top earner in your company…
then you look at how many people you’ve sponsored and helped over the years and you realize with a sick feeling that you could have made ALOT moremoney doing the same exact work within the context of a different mlm company and compensation plan.
That’s horrible when it happens!
I know one person in this situation right now.
It’s hard to walk away from $20,000 a month and start over… but it’s frustrating looking at your team and knowing that could be $100,000 or more per month.
Yes, if you make $250,000 a year you’re doing fine….
But it doesn’t feel fine if somebody who produced less in another company is make the same or much, much more.
This is soooo important.
If you haven’t digested anything you’ve read so far, take in this one concept.
Additionally, if you want to be able to recruit and retain leaders, your compensation plan must reflect powerful recognition for the leaders who produce the most.
Recognition in today’s world isn’t just a pat on the back, true recognition comes in the form of cash money… dollars… cha-ching…. $$$.
I come from an education background.
You’d be surprised how many good, quality educators leave the profession simply because they can make more money doing something else.
Something they are NOT passionate about.
Money matters.
Compensation matters.
Income matters.
Bonuses matter….
Even to top leaders.
Perhaps even more so for top leaders.
You must be with a company that recognizes (in the form of direct compensation) it’s leaders.
This will become even more important to you as begin to rise through the ranks, but also as high caliber people consider joining your team.
Somebody who knows they can produce is going to go to the company who will pay them the most for that production. You don’t have to like it or agree with it, but it’s just the way it is.
Our company offers rank advancement bonuses in the amounts below for top distributors:
These are 1 time bonuses and stack on top of each other.
So when you earn the $400,000 bonus, you’ve already earned the 100k and 200k bonuses.
These bonuses are also on top of the other commissions and bonuses embedded in the compensation plan.
Keep in mind, by the time you earn bonuses at these levels, they’re just gravy… but it’s good to know there’s a gravy train runnin’, right!?
#7) Divine Calling
If you don’t know our story, here it is in a nutshell.
We were praying for more purpose and more financial options.
God told us to do network marketing.
Our response was basically… “Um… no.”
We argued, pitched a fit, and then finally relented.
So here we are, in the mlm industry.
It’s not what we initially wanted, but it looks like it was part of God’s divine plan for us and I’m so excited to be back in this industry.
I can’t see what’s out in front.
I don’t know the road ahead.
I guess that’s how faith works.
I don’t know if God will continue to bless our business so He can use our finances to bless others or if we’re just in this business to lift people up.
Either way, I know one thing for sure.
This is where he wants us right now.
He has a plan.
He will bring the right people at the right time.
Deuteronomy 5:32 says “Be careful to do what the Lord your God has commanded you; do not turn aside to the right or to the left”.
So that’s what we will do.
I try to point the Glory back to Him with this website, my emails, and everything I do.
As long as I do that, what else matters?
I believe God works on peoples hearts when they land on this site (maybe yours).
Maybe you’re searching for one thing and then decide to check out some other content.
Before you know it, you stumble upon something you weren’t expecting a seed takes root in your spirit.
God can water those seeds and use them to draw people to him.
I’m just happy he’s allowing me to be the person to plant seeds.
Maybe that’s the whole point, I don’t know for certain.
If any of this post made sense and resonated with you, I invite you to explore joining the best mlm of the year…
Until next time, God Bless and I hope you’re actively working on building the life of your dreams.
I’ll leave you with this verse because it’s exactly what happened to me.
“Call to me and I will answer you, and show you great and unsearchable things that you do not know” (Jeremiah 33:3)
I prayed for a solution and God brought me something totally different than what I was expecting, but He is true to his word, which states:
“Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise.” (Hebrews 10:23)
Most importantly, if you’d like a personal relationship with Jesus Christ you can do it by praying the simple prayer below, right now wherever you are.
“Lord Jesus, I am a sinner. I believe you came to the earth, fully God and fully man, to die for my sins and be raised again. Please forgive me of all my wrongs. I turn away from my sin, please come into my heart, be my Savior and Lord. Please make me a new creation”.
If you said that simple prayer, you have been born again and have the Holy Spirit dwelling inside you.
We’d love to hear about it and help you get plugged into a local church.
Please reach out to us and let us know by emailing me at the link below.