Why we should put God first is laid out for us in scripture:
In all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. -Proverbs 3:6
I debated whether or not to make this a devotional.
However, while looking for an inspiring video for a different article, I stumbled upon this commencement speech called “Put God First” from Denzel Washington.
I often have a hard time finding the right video to say what I want, but this is super inspiration for anyone building or running business.
In his speech, Denzel is giving advice to graduates about how to show up in life.
Denzel’s recommendations are as follows:
1) Put God First
2) Fail Big & Think Outside the Box
3) You’ll Never see a U-Haul Behind a Hearse (You can’t take anything with you)
4) Put Your Slippers Under the Bed so You Have to Get on Your Knees to Get Them
These recommendations fall in line with everything about being and entrepreneur and business owner.
If you’re feeling down about your business and came here for inspiration, this video will absolutely do the trick.
Toward the end of his speech Denzel Washington says:
“Say thank you in advance for what is already yours. True desire in the heart for anything good, is God’s proof to you, (sent beforehand) to indicate that it’s yours already. I’ll say it again.
True desire in the heart, that itch that you have, whatever it is you want to do, that thing that you want to do to help others and to grow and to make money- that desire, that itch… that’s God’s proof to you, sent beforehand already, to indicate that it’s yours.
And anything you want good you can have. So claim it, work hard to get it. When you get it, reach back, pull someone else up… each one teach one.”
Point #1: Put God First
Recently I responded to a Facebook question in a group.
The questions was asking whether you can intertwine God with your business.
Absolutely you can.
We do it everyday.
I know I’m helping people when they come here for information about building a home business or network marketing.
That’s where most my traffic comes from.
But the devotional section is my ministry.
The call to action at the end of every post for people to commit to Christ… that’s my ministry.
I know the more people who land on my main pages, the more people I can potentially impact by introducing them to the God of the Bible.
For those who are already believers, I help them understand that business and faith can work hand in hand.
Will I turn some people off?
But I don’t care because I want to give God the glory in everything I do.
Point #2: Fail Big- Think Outside The Box
If you’re building a network marketing business and have that unfaltering feeling that it’s something you’re supposed to do, don’t shy away from it.
Network Marketing allows you (allows everybody), regardless of where you are in life, regardless of your current financial position, regardless of your past, and regardless of everything else to show up in life the way Denzel Washington suggests.
It allows you to fail big without risking big.
It allows you to think outside the box.
Most people just accept that they are a hamster on a wheel.
These people will never have a far reaching impact.
To achieve a life that’s uncommon, you have to be willing to think and act in uncommon and unconventional ways.
Point #3: You Won’t See a U-haul behind a Hearse
The point Denzel really drives home here is that you should help people.
It’s not the fancy houses, expensive cars, and a lavish lifestyle that brings fulfillment.
It’s the feeling you get from helping others.
Network Marketing allows you to achieve big so that you can help others on a grand scale.
It’s rare, if not impossible, to find a successful network marketer who isn’t giving back to a worthy cause.
That’s true both in terms of time and financial resources.
At the end of the day, nice stuff is just stuff.
When you hit your ultimate goals, remember that you can’t take anything with you.
Point #4: Get on Your Knees Everyday
Prayer is a powerful thing.
If you haven’t tried it, I suggest you do.
It’s not a magic bullet, it’s not a genie in a bottle, and it’s not a way to manipulate God or the universe.
God answers to no one… not even Moses.
When Moses asked him what his name was, just in case the Israelites asked him, God said:
“I AM WHO I AM. This is what you say to the Israelites, ‘I AM has sent me to you’.”
Sounds like a God who doesn’t take orders from anybody or feel the need to explain himself.
That being said, one thing prayer does do is help keep you close to God.
It helps you hear his spirit and the small quiet voice.
There are mistakes I avoided and opportunities I benefited from, all because I listened to the direction God gave me.
There are also mistakes I made and losses I incurred because I thought I knew better or because I simply wasn’t on my knees every day seeking his guidance.
Until you figure this one out, you will never have a sense of true purpose, true joy, or true happiness.
Mark my words, regardless of how much you make or how successful you are… there will always be a void.
Only God can fill that void.
I believe the void was placed there by design to draw people back to him.
If you feel that void and want to fix it, I encourage you to commit your life to Jesus Christ.
If you found value in this post, we would be super appreciative of a social media share or a comment below.
If you’re not currently attempting to “fail big” and would like to work more closely with us, visit our free consultation page to see if you qualify.
Jason & Daniele