I just finished Jordan Adler’s book Beach Money and it was a fantastic read!
If you don’t know Jordan’s story, it’s a powerful story of perseverance, growth, and achievement.
You Can Get both Beach Money and Better than Beach Money from Amazon.
Anyway, here are some of my favorite quotes from the book.
Nothing great has ever been accomplished in a state of hesitation. -Jordan Adler (Beach Money) Share on X Teams Grow Fast in FEARLESS State. -Jordan Adler (Beach Money) Share on XJordan described a conversation with a mentor who taught him:
“You must recruit twenty to thirty people to start with.” He then said, “One third of your recruits will do absolutely nothing. One third will do a little. And one third will make a good income. Usually, one of them will build a group of thousands.”
Do dogs like bones? Most people would say, “Yes, dogs do like bones.” But if I place a steak and a bone on the ground and let the dog choose, which is he more likely to go for? He wold probably go for the steak! Dogs don’t like bones. Dogs settle for bones, but they salivate over steaks.
I want you to know that your mind does not know the difference between what is real and what is not. -Jordan Adler (Beach Money) Share on X“Take a look at your circumstances and ask yourself how you are interpreting them. How do you feel about how you are interpreting them?” -Jordan Adler (Beach Money)
In chapter 12, Jordan talks about how his family referred to the “Adler curse”, which was a belief that all the bad stuff that happened was somehow related to a curse on the family.
This really resonated with me because growing up we talked about the “Shick curse”, which was the exact same thing.
Jordan goes on to say:
“When you see yourself as unlucky (or whatever other negative word you use to describe yourself), your subconscious mind begins to look for and find evidence that supports that belief.” -Jordan Adler (Beach Money)
Here's the problem: You can't learn how to fly until you fly... Trying to know all the answers before flying will mess with your head. At some point you just need to go fly! -Jordan Adler Share on XIn discussing leverage Jordan shares a lesson he learned from his mentor Al:
“Al’s team signed up 131 distributors that night. How many did Al sign up? Al signed up just one… He would have 2,000 new distributors join his team each month, but he would only bring in three to five each month himself.” -Jodan Adler (Beach Money)
“People will only do business with the people that they remember when they are ready to take action. If you don’t come to mind when the time is right, you will not get the business.” -Jordan Adler (Beach Money)
If you have confidence and instill confidence in others that a better future is just around the corner, people will follow you. -Jordan Adler (Beach Money) Share on X“I have personally recruited 122 business partner. I have done about 500 presentations in three years to recruit these people.” -Jordan Adler (Beach Money)
Ask yourself, can I make this activity break even? I built a multi-million dollar business by breaking even and you can too. -Jordan Adler (Beach Money) Share on XMy invitation goes something like this… “I want to show you something I think you may like. When can I catch you uninterrupted for about 30 minutes?” -Jordan Adler (Beach Money)
Being simple is better than being good. -Jordan Adler (Beach Money) Share on X“The #1 downfall of most network marketers is a short attention span. We are excited and we can’t stand it. When the excitement wears off, we can’t seem to get it back so we go on to something else. This strategy does not work in business.” -Jordan Adler (Beach Money)
Compressing time frames is an important part of building a successful business. -Jordan Adler (Beach Money) Share on X False starts, failures, and setbacks are just part of the preparation for your successful launch. -Jordan Adler (Beach Money) Share on X“A prospective doctor will school for 8-10 years and invest $200,000 before earning one penny. And then they will work 15 hours a day for $100,000 per year.” -Jordan Adler (Beach Money)
“With a nominal investment of $500 or so to get started in a network marketing opportunity, it’s too easy to give up after 1 or 2 setbacks” -Jordan Adler (Beach Money)
Because it's easy to get into this business, it's easy to get out as well. -Jordan Adler (Beach Money) Share on X“A $500 investment is easy to write off when things aren’t going great.” -Jordan Adler (Beach Money)
Even in network marketing, a long-term strategy is essential. -Jordan Adler (Beach Money) Share on X There are people in the company that would never consider quitting. Be around those people on a regular basis. -Jordan Adler (Beach Money) Share on X Your job when sponsoring someone is simply to get them started. It is not your job to manage them. -Jordan Adler (Beach Money) Share on X If you are moving quickly in your new business, you may personally bring in about one new person per week. -Jordan Adler (Beach Money) Share on X Your job is to sign them up, train them, and help them sign up their first few people so they know how to do it. That's it. Then do it again and again. -Jordan Adler (Beach Money) Share on XJordan Adler Quoates About Network Marketing
You are better off facing it head on with confidence and conviction than beating around the bush. It's time to stop avoiding the topic (of network marketing). -Jordan Adler (Beach Money) Share on X Don't tip toe or tap-dance around this business model. -Jordan Adler (Beach Money) Share on X One thing I can guarantee. Things will get tough. And you will want to quit. You will want to quit many times... Quitting is not a good strategy for success. -Jordan Adler (Beach Money) Share on X DON'T say, I just got into this new little business... it's not a new LITTLE business. -Jordan Adler (Beach Money) Share on X Set up a time to show them (prospects) everything from start to finish. Giving people the business in bits and pieces is not effective or professional. -Jordan Adler (Beach Money) Share on X Doing something is ALWAYS better than doing nothing. -Jordan Adler (Beach Money) Share on X STOP trying to recruit people that tell you no. -Jordan Adler (Beach Money) Share on X If you find yourself chasing, stalking, groveling, bothering, or begging others to join you in your business- STOP IT! -Jordan Adler (Beach Money) Share on X DON'T SETTLE- Most people shrink their dreams down to meet income instead of building their income up to meet their dreams. -Jordan Adler (Beach Money) Share on X God will not give us dreams that we weren't meant to fulfill. -Jordan Adler (Beach Money) Share on X Focus on distribution rather than on sales. Distribution is the system of creating multiple points of sale. -Jordan Adler (Beach Money) Share on X If you are looking to have more time freedom... you must immediately shift your focus to an opportunity that passive passive, nonlinear income. -Jordan Adler (Beach Money) Share on X Not everyone will partner with me. But the ones who do are well-connected people who can have a big impact right from the start. -Jordan Adler (Beach Money) Share on X“Realizing that I am different from most people was a breakthrough for me. I think differently, and although there are many people who think like I do, there are many more who don’t.” -Jordan Adler (Beach Money)
If you make friends to get business, you will lose friends as fast as you made them. -Jordan Adler (Beach Money) Share on X You can grow a huge organization by getting people together on a regular basis just to have fun. -Jordan Adler (Beach Money) Share on X Entrepreneurs are creative and resourceful. -Jordan Adler (Beach Money) Share on X I have met many people who have stopped dreaming. -Jordan Adler (Beach Money) Share on X Your success will not be logical. Most great success stories defy logic. There will be no past evidence for your growth. -Jordan Adler (Beach Money) Share on X Nearly everyone who has created a financially free life did it with no evidence that it was possible for them either. -Jordan Adler (Beach Money) Share on XWhen the company I had been with for thirteen years went away, I thought it was the end of the world. Little did I know that my first million-dollar year would come from a company I had no interest in at the beginning. -Jordan Adler (Beach Money)
The journey to success almost never unfolds the way you expect it to. -Jordan Adler (Beach Money) Share on X Get really good with people by being around others who are really good with people. -Jordan Adler (Beach Money) Share on X Things I don't enjoy drain my energy and take me longer... Very simply, pay others to do what you don't want to do or what you're not good at. -Jordan Adler (Beach Money) Share on X The simpler the message, the faster the team would grow. -Jordan Adler (Beach Money) Share on X“If an 8-year-old can’t do it, then consider not doing it. And if an 8-year-old can’t explain it to someone else so that they can understand it, then you probably shouldn’t do it either. It’s really that simple.” -Jordan Adler (Beach Money)
Typically your greatest fears and your biggest obstacles represent the hidden opportunities... -Jordan Adler (Beach Money) Share on X Sometimes your gifts won't show up for a few years. -Jordan Adler (Beach Money) Share on X“The main difference between you and those that have achieved true financial freedom is those that have a Beach Money life believed it was possible for them and they held onto that belief for an extended period of time.” -Jordan Adler (Beach Money)
Just because you want it, focus on it, and pursue it does not guarantee you will have it. -Jordan Adler (Beach Money) Share on X You must put as much energy into helping others achieve their Beach Money dreams as you put into achieving yours. -Jordan Adler (Beach Money) Share on X I have over 100 close friends that make six-figure residual incomes. About 30 make six figures monthly. -Jordan Adler (Beach Money) Share on X Network marketing represents one of the biggest economies in the world doing almost $200 billion per year in revenue. -Jordan Adler (Beach Money) Share on X My combined total network marketing income in my first 10 years was $0. -Jordan Adler (Beach Money) Share on X Between my 11th year through present, I have earned almost $20 million. -Jordan Adler (Beach Money) Share on X As you grow personally, you gain power. That power carries with it the potential to add immense value to the lives of others. -Jordan Adler (Beach Money) Share on X One time I showed the business to 28 people before getting a sign up. -Jordan Adler (Beach Money) Share on X Over time almost half of the 28 signed up because I didn't quit and I stayed in contact with all of them. -Jordan Adler (Beach Money) Share on X Most things that are worthwhile are things that will take you out of your comfort zone. -Jordan Adler (Beach Money) Share on X Today the things I was once afraid of are routine. -Jordan Adler (Beach Money) Share on X Focus on the end result and the dream you desire and not on what you are afraid of. -Jordan Adler (Beach Money) Share on X You will probably still be afraid. That's normal until you get comfortable. It's the price you pay for achieving your dream. -Jordan Adler (Beach Money) Share on X Everyone is afraid when getting started. -Jordan Adler (Beach Money) Share on X See if you can generate some excitement out of your fear or let go of your attachment to the outcome. -Jordan Adler (Beach Money) Share on X Go sponsor 1-4 people per month for 2 to 3 years. -Jordan Adler (Beach Money) Share on X One third will do nothing. One third will do very little. One third will do a little more than a little and 1 in 30 will typically lead you to an organization of thousands. -Jordan Adler (Beach Money) Share on X There are thousands of Michael Jordan's out there who have never picked up a basketball. -Jordan Adler (Beach Money) Share on X For you to have a large and growing network marketing business, you will have to let go of the attachment to the outcome. -Jordan Adler (Beach Money) Share on X When in doubt, always do the right thing. -Jordan Adler (Beach Money) Share on X YOU be the leader. It always starts with you. -Jordan Adler (Beach Money) Share on X Stop beating yourself up and just have fun building your business. No need to make it such a serious thing! -Jordan Adler (Beach Money) Share on X Everyone has the same opportunity to win but few will play the game long enough. -Jordan Adler (Beach Money) Share on X For every 20-30 people you sponsor into your business, you'll find ONE that is really serious and will go to town with it. -Jordan Adler (Beach Money) Share on X The big bucks are reserved for those that can run the course and see the job through. -Jordan Adler (Beach Money) Share on X You'll discover that people you were pretty sure would do nothing go on to build substantial organizations. -Jordan Adler (Beach Money) Share on X The only thing I look for is someone who is open and a little hungry. -Jordan Adler (Beach Money) Share on X Trying to motivate your distributors is a formula for burnout. -Jordan Adler (Beach Money) Share on X Keep sponsoring new people and encourage others to participate. That's all you need to do. Stop trying to motivate people. -Jordan Adler (Beach Money) Share on X Our job is not to turn people into us. Our job is to find people better than us. -Jordan Adler (Beach Money) Share on X If someone is ready, they will step into it. -Jordan Adler (Beach Money) Share on X When someone experiences a breakthrough and then experiences growth, they feel successful. -Jordan Adler (Beach Money) Share on X The biggest challenge is mindset first and then skills. -Jordan Adler (Beach Money) Share on X The skills are relatively easy to learn fairly quickly. The shifting of dis-empowering values, beliefs, and philosophies are the toughest challenge. -Jordan Adler (Beach Money) Share on X There are no guarantees but compared to other options the start-up costs weighted against the income potential and possible lifestyle are off the charts. -Jordan Adler (Beach Money) Share on X I had lessons to learn before I deserved success. -Jordan Adler (Beach Money) Share on X“I have personally found that choosing to become a partner committed to growing the company or going down with the ship is the best overall strategy for LONG-TERM success.” -Jordan Adler (Beach Money)
You cannot succeed with one foot in and one foot out. -Jordan Adler (Beach Money) Share on X It's a simple equation that just requires a will to win backed by massive action. -Jordan Adler (Beach Money) Share on X There is no room for doubt. Doubt kills dreams. -Jordan Adler (Beach Money) Share on X Quitting is not part of the equation. In other words, there is no stop until the job is done. -Jordan Adler (Beach Money) Share on X Everyone has their story... and the story empowers them, keeps them right where they are, or cripples them completely. -Jordan Adler (Beach Money) Share on X For the first time in history, adults are going to the kids for advice on business. -Jordan Adler (Beach Money) Share on XThere you have it, my opinion of the best quotes from Jordan Adler’s Book Beach Money.
Hope you enjoyed them.
We would love to have the opportunity to help you have more success.
Lastly, we have a deep desire to see people connected to their savior. If you don’t have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, you can start one today.
God Bless,
Jason & Daniele